Monday 25 December 2006

Having Started Secondary School

My Few weeks in having started Secondary School

In the summer term I was really nervous about starting secondary school. I knew it was going to be a big change. Like being around older kids and having more homework. Or the older kids being nasty.But now having been at my new school for 6 weeks I’m not afraid or nervous anymore. I remember on my first day I was frightened but then afterwards I thought it went quite well.

I was concerned about homework and getting a detention but I think I’ve been OK and I haven’t had any detentions for homework. We were told to make a homework timetable, so I made one and it’s helped quite a bit. So my advice is to not be worried and just think once you know when you get you homework make a timetable and you’ll find it much easier to keep on track.

There are lots of changes when you go to secondary school but my tip is to not worry!

I was also worried about being around older kids but a few weeks in and I think its been OK. But if you are scared of the older kids just stay with your friends or join clubs made for your year group.

So all in all my starting secondary school has been a good experience!
Don’t worry you’ll be fine!

That report was one I did for kids who were starting Secondary School. I mean we all know how we felt when we first started. And what we worried about. I tried to help!
Again let me know what you thought of it. I did it in October.

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